– SOYUZLEGPROM is an All-Russian public organization of industry entrepreneurs, whose main goal is to protect the interests of the industry business community. We are not just working on the development of the domestic apparel industry, but also through consolidated efforts we develop and implement industrial and technical policies in the Russian textile and apparel industry, as well as assist in a constructive dialogue between entrepreneurs and government authorities. Among our main tasks is to work together with entrepreneurs and business leaders to develop and implement programs for the development of raw materials, the revival of domestic production and many others. This year, SOYUZLEGPROM presented the Strategy for the Development of the apparel Industry of the Russian Federation until 2035, which was prepared by the HSE on our request. The strategy can become the basis of the state program for the development and support of the apparel industry, a tool for solving the main industry tasks – from import substitution issues, provision of raw materials for production to the formation of interorganizational ties. SOYUZLEGPROM supports international economic, scientific and technical cooperation between entrepreneurs and apparel industry enterprises. We have very close cooperation with our Uzbek and Belarusian colleagues, with a number of associations from other countries – now cooperation with Chinese and Turkish manufacturers, with textile workers from India has significantly expanded. And their representation is constantly growing at our exhibition projects.

Almost all of our projects are in progress, this is one of the significant results of our work. For example, our “INTERFABRIC” exhibition has grown and continues to grow, the “Fashion Style” exhibition is developing – a project that is quite competitive today, as is our exhibition of home textiles and interior solutions TEXTILE&HOME. Our project related to the creation of a cluster – technopark on the territory of the former “TSNIISHERST”, and the project of an industry B2B marketplace, and FASHION CLUSTER, a project aimed at the development of the fashion industry, which we actively promote, are also important for the industry. And our magazine "Legprom Review" is developing – not only its printed version, but also digital… What exactly the Union offers to the market today is described in detail on the website souzlegprom.ru. We are actively engaged in all our participants, trying to solve both private and general problems. So, there are certain achievements. And we hope that soon we will jointly begin to implement the thesis "from support to development". 

Andrey Razbrodin,

President of the Russian Union of Textile and apparel Industry Entrepreneurs

About SOYUZLEGPROM projects

The Russian Union of Textile and apparel Industry Entrepreneurs (SOYUZLEGPROM) was founded on May 6, 2003. Today, the Union's activities cover 42 regions of the Russian Federation, bringing together more than 400 industry enterprises, scientific and educational organizations.

The members of the union receive a number of advantages:

  • Access to closed up-to-date analytical information and statistical data.

  • Advertising of products on the website, as well as in a specialized industry publication.

  • Consultations on obtaining government support.

  • The opportunity to participate in working meetings with representatives of regional and federal authorities.

  • Training and participation in master classes, advanced training courses, trainings – free of charge and on preferential terms.

  • Communication and PR support of companies' projects.

  • Participation in special promotions of partner companies.

Currently, SOYUZLEGPROM organizes a number of industry events and projects:

The INTERFABRIC exhibition is the largest specialized exhibition of fabrics, textile materials, accessories and components on the territory of the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

FASHION STYLE exhibition is an international exhibition of clothing, shoes, accessories and services.

TEXTILE&HOME exhibition, aimed at promoting and developing the production of Russian home and interior textiles.

Legpromb2b.market is a marketplace that unites all wholesale buyers and sellers of the industry from Russia and foreign partner countries.

LEGPROMPARK is a new cluster of apparel industry. LegProm Fashion Laboratory is a design bureau that unites certified specialists of the fashion industry in the areas of modeling, design and technology of clothing production.

Legprom Review is an industry magazine and an electronic resource about the textile and apparel industry.

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